WRAP-Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

WRAP-Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production


WRAP Meaning: 

WRAP=Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

WRAP's 12 Principles:

1. Compliance with Laws and Workplace Regulations
2. Prohibition of Forced Labor
3. Prohibition of Child Labor
4. Prohibition of Harassment or Abuse
5. Compensation and Benefits
6. Hours of Work
7. Prohibition of Discrimination
8. Health and Safety
9. Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining
10. Environment
11. Customs Compliance
12. Security

WRAP Certification Process:

1. Application
2. Pre-Audit Self-Assessment
3. Monitoring
4. Evaluation
5. Certification

Certification Levels:

PLATINUM (Valid for 2 years)
GOLD (Valid for 1 year)
SILVER (Valid for 6 months)

WRAP Registration fee 1195 US Doller.

for more information please visit WRAP Official Website

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